
Volunteer: Give Time If You Can't a Dime (12/16)

December 16th
Volunteer: Did you volunteer anywhere this year? Did you learn something in the process? Would you volunteer in 2012? If you don’t, why don’t you?

This year, I joined the Junior League of Las Vegas in order to become more actively involved in the community. When you find yourself living in a town that has the highest foreclosure rate, unemployment rate, and domestic violence death numbers there's a calling to help.

I started to feel it around this time last year, the calling, and knew I had to figure out a way to step out of my own bubble and get involved.

A highlight came in October, when I volunteered for a committee called "Kids in the Kitchen." It was an alternative Halloween event for children with juvenile diabetes. I was in charge of the game Twister. 

But, this wasn't any ordinary game of Twister. This, was a lesson in healthy eating. The children had to identify each vegetable before they put their hand or foot on the item. It was a pure joy just to help them understand the difference between an eggplant and a plum. Simple lessons, but lasting impressions - especially for children with diabetes. 

People can help in multiple ways. So many say they don't have money to give, but that's where volunteering comes in. If you can't give a dime, then give your time.

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